Saturday, October 30, 2010

Happy Halloween!!

so I'm on the computer ready to post a lot of photos. Looks like mom keeps forgetting her camera, I guess the photos are on her phone, so I'll have to talk to Dad about that. :)

We've been having a great time. On Tuesday we sold our Condo, and all of us went west to sign the last paper, and we took a little hike on Wachusetts mountain (see photo), and finished it up with Friendlies. We enjoyed it a lot and ate most of our 2 burger kids meals, and followed it up with icecream of course. I had a monster one, and Nathanael had a cone head. YUM!!

This week, Nathanael wore his Buzz lightyear costume to his school on Thursday, and I wore my Bumblebee transformer costume to school on Friday. Parents got to stay and watch us parade our costumes around, and sing a witches brew song. I won't sing it to mom & dad at home....I'm not really a singer, but school is bringing it out a little.

We carved pumpkins Thursday night, and saw Charlie brown pumpkin show. We're very excited to trick or treat our neighborhood, should be fabulous. And we even have a pumpkin carving party at our friends after church, so we'll have quite fun day tomorrow.

I'll be updating photo's as they come available!!

Have a spooky day!!!

Bumblebee & Buzz Lightyear!!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

We are in!!

We moved into our new white house this Saturday. We're working on our 2nd full nights sleep here, and settling in alright. This new place is fun!!
Today we made a big pile of pine cones in the back yard, we walked on 'paths' in the backyard. We got our TV here and set up and were able to watch a movie (it had been a little while so we really enjoyed it.)
We had our first full meal as a family tonight (chop suey, mom goes all out. :) )

I'm still not sure where all our toys are, but there seems to be enough stuff to get into to keep us busy, mom loves that. And we're huge helpers, or at least great at jumping on and off all the furniture in the new place, and it's still empty enough we get some echo.

We'll have to post some picks of us in the new be continued,

until Monday!!

The guys