We've been having a great time. On Tuesday we sold our Condo, and all of us went west to sign the last paper, and we took a little hike on Wachusetts mountain (see photo), and finished it up with Friendlies. We enjoyed it a lot and ate most of our 2 burger kids meals, and followed it up with icecream of course. I had a monster one, and Nathanael had a cone head. YUM!!
This week, Nathanael wore his Buzz lightyear costume to his school on Thursday, and I wore my Bumblebee transformer costume to school on Friday. Parents got to stay and watch us parade our costumes around, and sing a witches brew song. I won't sing it to mom & dad at home....I'm not really a singer, but school is bringing it out a little.
We carved pumpkins Thursday night, and saw Charlie brown pumpkin show. We're very excited to trick or treat our neighborhood, should be fabulous. And we even have a pumpkin carving party at our friends after church, so we'll have quite fun day tomorrow.
I'll be updating photo's as they come available!!
Have a spooky day!!!
Bumblebee & Buzz Lightyear!!