Friday, May 30, 2008


We went to the fair the other night, check out the fun photos.


Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Sweet Photos

Just a few sweet photo's of me.

Everyone is doing very well, we've been out of the house both days this week, and for some reason both Nathanael and I nap at the same time so Mom even gets naps in. She says we're angels this week. Last week was just a test run.


Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Dad's back to work

So Dad's back to work, but don't worry we're both on our best behavior. Mom did say she was pleasantly surprised on Monday. I think today Nathanael kept her from napping as he wanted to be held, but it's a good thing he's so cute.

Not much to's decided to do some weight training today, she had me in the backpack and Nathanael in the carriage (decided not to go with a ridiculous 2 seater stroller. :) ) and we walked to the park that's half a mile away. I enjoy the backpack..and the park, it was a sweet day. Mom's sure to lose those baby pounds soon carting me around.

Also a couple photo's of my Bro



Thursday, May 8, 2008

The butterfly place!!

We went here today. Here are a few photos. Dad has a bunch of all the neat butterflies flying all around. All of us had them land on us. I did not like that. One almost landed on Nathanael's face but he was sleeping as usual and missed it. We had a fun time.

I love having Daddy home!!
