Wednesday, April 25, 2007

What I'm up to these days!

Boy it's been a busy week. Here are all the cool new things I'm doing.

First off, last Thursday I picked up peaches with my fists, and started feeding myself. I realized that I've got to squeeze the peaches, and all food, just enough so it pops out between my thumb and first finger, but not too much that it breaks off. Also piling all the goodies makes it easy for me to get in there and fist grab. I'm getting really good at that.

Second I was in my crib for a nap, and not very excited about it I'll tell you. Then I figured out I can roll over onto my stomach and from there I'm very good at sitting up. I wanted to be sure mom could see me doing this great thing, so I started banging my teething ring on the crib. wouldn't you know she came up pretty fast. She expected to still see me on my back. The best part is she still doesn't know how I do it. Pretty sneaky. And to add to it, I did it multiple times to avoid my afternoon nap...worked fine till I had a major meltdown. Check me out in action on the video!!

Third, I'm pulling myself up. How exciting. I don't do it a lot but had my first taste of it yesterday. I keep trying to do it on everything I see. Things are getting pretty exciting.

Hope to see you all soon!

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

I Can Crawl!!

So today I figured out how to reach things out of my immediate arm span; I discovered crawling. It's the best thing. Let me tell you how it happened. There was this crocodile xylophone toy that I wanted really bad, and my girlfriend Leah was playing with it. So I got on all fours and rocked a bit, but I really wanted to get it. Everything started to come together and I was able to make some ground. And success!! I was closer to the toy and my girlfriend. I've since done it a few times. It's still a bit awkward but mom praises me every step so I must be doing it right. I'm sure there will be a video clip to commemorate this wondrous occasion.

Just wanted you all to know!!

Now there's a video, check it out!!

Monday, April 16, 2007

This is my Blog

I'm sure none of you are surprised that I have a blog, and many of you are probably wondering why it took me so long to start one. I mean really, I've had a web page since I was born. Well I created this Blog so when you miss me you can come here and click the links for my photo's and video's. This way you won't have to search through old e-mail for all that stuff. Just save my blog in your favorites.

I'll keep you all up to speed on what I'm doing these days, my favorite things and any other fun tid-bits.

Well it's time for my morning nap, so I'll leave you to it.

Until next time!!